
The table below contains definitions of acronyms used in this IDEA tool.

Table 1. Summary of Acronyms.
Acronym Definition
AAC Asphalt over Asphalt Concrete
AC Asphalt Concrete
APC Asphalt over Portland Cement Concrete
APTech Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
ASR Alkali-Silica Reaction
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FOD Foreign Object Debris
ft, FT Linear Foot
HMA Hot-Mix Asphalt
IDEA Interactive Data Exchange Application
in, IN Inches
L&T Longitudinal and Transverse
LTD Longitudinal, Transverse, and Diagonal
M&R Maintenance and Rehabilitation
MDOT Michigan Department of Transportation
PCC Portland Cement Concrete
PCI Pavement Condition Index
sf, SF, SqFt Square Foot
yrs, YRS Years